Boletim WFCP contempla texto do IFBA sobre Visitas Técnicas e Culturais Internacionais

A World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP), uma rede internacional de faculdades e associações educacionais, publica mensalmente um boletim com textos que compartilham as boas práticas de suas instituições associadas ou membros com referência à educação e ao treinamento profissional e técnico em todo o mundo. 

A edição deste mês de junho de 2020 trouxe a temática da educação global, da mobilidade estudantil internacional e do aprendizado online, contemplando um texto do IFBA sobre as experiências de visitas culturais e técnicas internacionais dos Campi Ilhéus, Salvador e Valença. 

Confira abaixo a integra do texto ou clique aqui para ter acesso ao boletim deste mês.

Technical and Cultural International Visits at IFBA
AUTHORS: Paula Oliveira, Lucélia Alcântara, Ana Gabriela Poll, Anaildes Santos, Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA), Brazil

Committed to building a generation of global citizens, the Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA) has been promoting technical and cultural international visits for its students since 2012. Financed by the Institute, these visits aim to promote cultural immersion to its students, especially those under social and economic vulnerability, while linking language to culture, theory to practice, and technology to sustainability. These activities have benefited over 170 students in six countries in Latin America and Europe.

The campuses of Ilhéus and Valença develop short-term cultural and linguistic immersion of students in Argentina and Chile, in conjunction with local institutions. Visits include historic, tourist and gastronomic attractions, as well as interactions and activities with the locals.

In exchange, Campus Valença has also been receiving groups of Argentinian students in an action that involves not only the internal community but also the students' families that willingly host international students and therefore become participants in internationalization experiences.

Campus Salvador, on the other hand, has created a unique approach to the cultural visits that add technical guided tours to companies, factories, technological museums and sustainable cities in Germany and neighboring countries such as France, Spain and the Czech Republic. The idea is to expose students to cutting edge technology and sustainable practices in one of the main production hubs in the world. These visits have provided for the perfect marriage of culture and technology at the service of quality education at IFBA.

When back home, participants are required to share their experiences with the community in activities that aim to disseminate learning and motivate other students in the pursuit of international experiences, serving thereby as a fuel to the internationalization engine.

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